
"Bioprom SPA" OOO

Address: 143800, Moscow Region, Lotoshino Urban District, Tsentralnaya Street, 2


Sales department:

"Bioprom SPA" OOO

Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 6727015681

Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) 507101001

Business address: 143800, Moscow Region, Lotoshino Urban District, Tsentralnaya Street, 2

Bank details:

Acc. at BRANCH №3652 VTB 24 (ZAO), Voronezh 40702810600440002219

Corr. acc. 30101810100000000738

RCBIC 042007738

General director Galkin V.A.

Representative office in the Samara region:

443016, Samara, A. Matrosova st., 141 A, office №.21.

Representative office in the Smolensk region:

215805, Smolensk region, Yartsevo, 2nd Mashinostroitelnaya st., 9

Ecological and technological benefits right now!

Bacterial fertilizers from the “Bioprom” company are included in the State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers allowed for use.

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